E-Gram Swaraj App

E-Gram Swaraj is one of the application developed as par of pachayat enterprise suite (pes) under e- panchayati mission mode project (mmp) of ministry of panchayati raj (mopr). E-Gram Swaraj aims to bring in better trabsparency and strengthening the e-governance in panchayati raj institutions (pris) across the country through decentralized planning, progress reporting and work-based accounting E-Gram Swaraj will assist in enhancing the credibility of panchayats which would induce greater devolution of funds to pris. furthermore, E-Gram Swaraj provides a platform for effective montitoring by higher authorities.


  • panchayat profile:- maintains panchayati profile with election details ,elected members,committee, etc
  • Planning:- Facilitates the planning of activities and action plan crestion
  • Accounting:- Facilitates the work-based accounting and monitiring
  • Simple and user-friendly
  • Assets available on gram manchitra GIS
  • wab-based and available 24×7
  • progress reporting :- records the physical and financial progress of approved activities
  • work-flow enabled
  • supports multi- tenancy; multiple tenants in the same instance
  • strong authentication mechanism based on open source technologies
  • technical architecture supports inter-operability with other PES products
  • Asset directory:- stores all the immovable and movable assets
  • Accounting:- facilitates the work-based accounting and monitoring of funds

Modules Highlights

Panchayat profile:- facilitates in maintaing the different committees and committees and committee members. facilitates in maintaining the datails of election and elected representatives. facilitaes each local government to maintain a holistic profile, including brief desciption about the local government with sarpanch, secretary details, etc.

planning:- Wishlist- Captures the wishes, suggestions and resolutions that are put forward in the Gram Sabha Shelf of Activities – Enables planning units to maintain the shelf of activities. The shelf of activities includes the list of activities that the planning unit proposes to take up in a plan year. Resource Envelope- Facilitates the recording of budgetary allocation of funds from various Central & State government schemes and other resources. Convergence – Enables intelligent convergence of funds from different sources of funds for an activity, thereby ensuring that the availabls funds are utilized to the maximum possible extent and at the same time important activities are not abandoned due to lack of funds. Action Plan – Captures annual plan creation by allowing plan unit to take approved activities as per available fund in different schemes. Activity funding can be shared by multiple schemes, Priority can be set for each Activity.

Progress Reporting:- Technical Approval – Helps to analyze and capture the technical aspect for an activity’s approval. Administrative Approval – Helps to capture the administrative aspect for an activity’s approval w.r.t source of funding. Fund Earmarked – Facilitates in the process in which the actual sanction of funds is done. Funds are generally released in installments. Progress Reporting- Used to update the physical and financial progress. The status of an Activity can be abandoned or completed status updated to ongoing, suspended, Geo-tagging- To support geo-tagging and photo capturing of assets created. The physical progress of asset-based activities becomes smoother through the mobile app, mActionSoft. Effective inter-module data flow allows smooth physical and financial progress reporting.

E-Gram Swaraj App

prime minister narendra modi is addressing in the nation on 24th April 2020 and he is launched on E-Gram Swaraj app and portal they are also addressing many panchayat sarpanch and the prime minister spoke to the sarpanch online video conferencing.

E-Gram Swaraj

it is noteworthy that launched E-Gram Swaraj app and Pradhan Mantri Swamitva Scheme by the (PM) prime minister narendra modi the facility to provide government scheme in the village through this app and portal.

Name of the SchemeE-Gram Swaraj app
Launch date24th April 2020
Launched by(PM) prime minister narendra modi
e-gramwaraj portalhttps://egramswaraj.gov.in/
Website of Ministryhttps://www.panchayat.gov.in/
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