Pradhan Mantri Swamitva Scheme

prime minister narendra modi is addressing in the nation on 24th April 2020 and he is launched on E-Gram Swaraj app and portal they are also addressing many panchayat sarpanch and the prime minister spoke to the sarpanch online video conferencing.

it is noteworthy that launched E-Gram Swaraj app and Pradhan Mantri Swamitva Scheme by the (PM) prime minister narendra modi the facility to provide government scheme in the village through this app and portal.

E-Gram Swaraj is one of the application developed as par of pachayat enterprise suite (pes) under e- panchayati mission mode project (mmp) of ministry of panchayati raj (mopr). E-Gram Swaraj aims to bring in better trabsparency and strengthening the e-governance in panchayati raj institutions (pris) across the country through decentralized planning, progress reporting and work-based accounting E-Gram Swaraj will assist in enhancing the credibility of panchayats which would induce greater devolution of funds to pris. furthermore, E-Gram Swaraj provides a platform for effective montitoring by higher authorities.